About Us
AirSeal CardioVascular (DBA AirSeal CV or AirSeal) is a medical diagnostics company that aims to transform how doctors and hospital systems diagnose individuals with cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors. The AirSeal patented diagnostic technology platform has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
​We have developed an innovative & already patented serum-based biomarker technology that can diagnose CVD with high accuracy in both women and men. Our product PADGuard is a rapid, multi-well, high through-put immunoassay that detects levels of an enzyme called circulating fatty acid synthase (cFAS). PADGuard is a cost-effective blood test indicating cardiovascular risk much more accurate than standard lipid panel tests with similar procedure.
Revolutionizing Cardiovascular Diagnostics
cFAS is produced by the liver and circulates in the blood stream of individuals who are more likely to have underlying CVD (both individuals with and without symptoms). cFAS was discovered at Washington University School of Medicine and has been investigated in multiple published clinical trials.
We recently validated the cFAS diagnostic accuracy in three independent clinical trials in >500 women and men. The results of prior clinical trials are published/pending publication in reputable peer-reviewed scientific/medical journals.